Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thank You for the Session, Looking Ahead

Dear Families,

Thank you for bringing your children, your work, your joy, and your good will to our fall session.  It was wonderful to be in the presence of you and your children, and I look forward to having you join our classes in the New Year--at which point we will have both Thursday and Friday classes.  You may register for either day, regardless of your child's age.

Thanks to families that attended Monday's meeting on a dark and stormy night.  It seemed just right to have nursery and parent & child families together--making the group the right size for sharing and discussion.  I plan to gather us with interested nursery families and community members two or three times in the new year for various lecture and/or discussion topics.  If you have other thoughts or ideas or topic inspirations, please share them.

You are all invited to next Wednesday's Advent Study in the Butterfly Classroom at 7pm, November 17.  It will be led by other faculty members and help share a bit about the Advent season, ideas for home, and more.  With apologies, I will not be present; I will be at another meeting at the time.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at our lantern walk.  Please review a past blog post if you forget your invitation time.  First, it is a lovely event, and I want you to feel welcome.  It also has some unique scheduling needs to make it run smoothly, and I want to clarify or repeat 4 points.

1.  Please arrive as close to your actual start time as possible.  If you are early, your car's arrival may interrupt a quiet moment at the end of the previous group's lantern walk.

2.  Please park in the parking lot on the right once you turn into Old Pietila Rd.

3.  We will have lanterns for you.  Because I will be leading the walk, I will not hand them out.  You may take any of the lit paper lanterns that do not have a name tag (those are designated for specific nursery children).

4.  To make best use of the outdoor space (Relles Performance Hall), we are replacing our traditional puppet show with storytelling and a tableau.

We will have our parent & child and community Advent spiral on Thursday, December 16, at Relles Hall (same location where we will gather for the lantern walk).  This will take place at 10am and last for about half an hour. There is no school for kindergarten siblings of our parent & child children that day; older siblings are welcome to join us and watch or support their younger brother or sister (kindergarten students will have their walk the night before).

Expect in the coming weeks blog posts about topics we have discussed--crayons and hand development, painting with children, sharing.  Please let me know if there are other topics you'd like me to write about.

With warmth and light,

William Geoffrey Dolde

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