Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lantern Walk invitation

The sunlight fast is dwindling,
My little lamp needs kindling,
Its beam shines far in the darkest night,
Dear lantern, guard me with your light.
~ M. Meyerkort
Dear Early Childhood Families,

As winter approaches we will kindle the light within us all at our upcoming Lantern Walk on Friday November 12th. We will gather our courage for the dark days ahead as we walk into the night with our shining lanterns guiding us. The lanterns are a symbol of our inner light that must be kindled during the long winter months ahead.

There will be three lantern walks, one at 4:30pm, 5:30pm and 6:30pm. Please check the end of this letter to see which lantern walk your family is scheduled to attend. Siblings are welcome if they are able to support a reverent mood and stay close to their parents at all times during the festival, including the walk where they should be by the side of their parents. They can bring their own lanterns if they have one. If you have a conflict with the lantern walk you are scheduled to attend please swap with another family and please inform your teacher. We are not able to add children to the lantern walks as they are all very full.
Please arrive on time and walk quietly to the pavilion where we will have hot apple cider. Please do not arrive early or late. (This is very important).  The timing of our walks is close and so we have to remain on schedule. Park in the lower parking lot just off Campbell Rd (you turn immediately right as you come into the main driveway on Old Pietila Road).

After everyone has arrived we will watch a puppet play in the pavilion. (Please dress very warmly). The teachers will then lead us on the lantern walk. After the lantern walk we will lead you back to your cars and say goodbye.

This is a quiet and reverent festival and we ask that you help support this mood by quietly guiding your children through the experience.


Dyanne, Kim and William

4:30pm Lantern Walk
Ruari and Callum Keith
Viola Butters
Corey Lindstrom
Phoebe Holland –Thompson
River Stephens
Beatrice Zabel
Leon Kohlhass
Cooper Patty
Yarrow Batiste
Olivia Sichel
Atam Zimmerman
Walden Sagmeister
Ianna King
Sara Teevin
Sylvia Anton – Erik
Benjamin Cone
Ian Woodrow

5:30pm Lantern Walk
Josephine and Jack McAuliff
Julian and Soren Walston
Kailey and Alena Henderson
Wilder and Grace Yanz
Sonia and Gabby Toombs
Michael Cardosa
Ada Faith – Feyma
Annie Kate McDanniel
Edythe Donham
Anna and Thor Umlauff

6:30pm Lantern Walk
Crispin Dolde
Slater Canright
Forrest Erickson
Briar and Miles Morgen
Zachary Rosenberger
Sam Simons
Genny and Joey Edmonds
Ava Johnson
Amanda Kehl
Kiera Sherman
Josephine Chia
Sterling Gardiner
Natascha Graner
Hugo and Rain Costello
Sierra and Nicholas Muller

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