Sunday, May 6, 2012

Maypole Songs

Dear Families,

Happy MayFaire. Below are lyrics to the Maypole songs we have been singing at the conclusion of our Friday classes.

Maypole Songs -- Butterfly Nursery, Dewdrop, and Rosebud
(learned in a folk manner)

We're dancing, we're dancing
Around the Maypole high.
In colors of the rainbow
Our ribbons do fly.
Dear children, take a ribbon please.
Today May flowers all are we.
Around, around, around,
A garland we do weave.

Tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, la la la.
Tra la la, tra la la, tra la la laa.

Hi diddle dee, hi diddle dee, come join me, come join me.
Hi diddle dee, hi diddle dee, come join me please.

(very quickly)
Tralalalalala la la la, tra la la la la la
Tralalalalala la la la, tra la la laa.

(turn around and start with great speed the other way)

Tralalalalala la la la, tra la la la la la
Tralalalalala la la la, tra la la laa.

(more slowly)
Hi diddle dee, hi diddle dee, come join me, come join me.
Hi diddle dee, hi diddle dee, come join me please.

(slowly like a turtle)

Tra la la, tra la la, tra la la, la la la.
Tra la la, tra la la, tra la la laa.

Vive la Vie

Let every good person join in the song, vive la Compagnie
Success to each other and pass it along, vive la Compagnie

(on the chorus, dancers stop rotating and walk in and out to the center)
(in) Vive la vive la vive la joie
(out) Vive la vive la vive la joie
(in) Vive l'amour, vive la joie
(out) Vive la Compagnie

(clockwise again)
A friend on your left and a friend on your right, vive la Compagnie
In love and good fellowship let us unite, vive la Compagnie.

Chorus (again stop circling and in and out)

Now wider and wider our circle expands, vive la Compagnie.
We sing to our comrades in far away lands, vive la Compagnie.


(Repeat the entire song, circling counter-clockwise on the verses)

Here we go Round the Maypole High

Here we go round the Maypole high, Maypole high, Maypole high.
Here we go round the Maypole high, let colored ribbons fly.

See lads and lassies skipping by, skipping by, skipping by.
See lads and lassies skipping by, let colored ribbons fly.

(repeat and allow ribbons to fly at the end).

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