Friday, April 1, 2011

Verses and Welcome to the Spring Session

Dear Families,

Welcome to our Spring session of our parent & child classes at the Whidbey Island Waldorf School.  I look forward to seeing you these first 2 weeks of April (March 31, April 1, April 7, and April 8) and then again for 6 additional Thursdays and Fridays between April 28 and June 3.

For families new to our program, this synopsis of the parent & child morning may help provide a sense of what your child and you will experience each week. We try to make the class meet the needs of the children and parents, so I will adjust the rhythm if, for example, the class has more younger or older children. Over the years, I have witnessed children of many ages thrive in a rhythm like the one described.

Here is additional information about our program:

Our classes take place in the Butterfly Room, the first room you come to when you go down the stairs in the main building.

Vegetables and Extra Clothes -- We will make vegetable soup and bread every week; children love to explore, play, and help when their parents and teacher join together in community work such as cooking. Please bring a vegetable if possible. Our classes try to make activities such as washing dishes inviting for children (and their parents). While I try to keep splashing to a reasonable level, your child may get very wet. Please bring a change of clothes.

Children will do well to have slippers or thick socks--we try to leave our wet and muddy boots out of the play area.

Here are songs and verses I say throughout the morning.  

Here are the spring verses and songs that I present before snack time.

Here are the lyrics to the songs I sing while we dance the Maypole.

As I hope the previous article suggested, you need feel no compulsion to sing any of these songs at home.  I place them out there so they are available for when the time is right.

With warmth and light,

William Geoffrey Dolde

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