Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Prewelcome to the Spring Session

Dear Families,

I look forward to seeing you this Thursday and Friday. I want to wait to send a longer welcome (with song lyrics, words to my rhymes, and reminder of the rhythm of the day) because a few families are still in the process of enrolling, and I want to make sure they receive the information they need.

We will continue to make soup and bread. Thanks for bringing vegetables and empty jars.

The spring session brings the Maypole, the bird symphony in the woods, and garden friends visiting a flower.

Please note that we will have two weeks of class (March 31 and April 1; and April 7 and 8). Then our school will be closed for two sets of parent & child classes; no classes on April 14 and 15 or April 21 and 22. We will resume on April 28 and 29. Have no worries about fees not reaching far enough; the two week break was taken into account when establishing the pricing for each session.

I will write more soon. If you are returning and have not made clear your intentions to our enrollment office, please do so as soon as possible.


William Dolde
Wdolde at gmail.com

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