Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Enrollment Options for Next Year

Dear Rosebud and Dewdrop Families and Others With Young Children,

With pleasure I will be teaching a 3 day nursery program (called the Butterfly Class) on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays for the 2010-2011. We will also be offering parent & child classes on Thursdays and Fridays throughout the year.

All of my current nursery children (12) will move into one of the mixed aged kindergartens. These are for children 3 to 6 years old and meet 4 or 5 days a week, with a full day option.

New children (perhaps yours) enrolling in my nursery class will attend 3 days a week for a half day. Although the ages in the nursery class change from year to year, children from about 2 and half to a young 4 are the ones who tend to be in the nursery class. The younger students should be fairly independent in the bathroom (the assistant helps and we understand accidents, but our licensing is such that we don't change diapers); for an older 3 or 4 year old, we would consider whether the nursery or the mixed age kindergarten would be the best fit.

Please contact me or our school (341-5686) to procure an application for the nursery next year (many of you will stay in parent & child; those brochures will be available in the summer).
Please share this information with friends and family. The shift in our kindergarten programming (going to 4 or 5 days) made some wonder if the Butterfly nursery would change. Next year it will be the same.

I look forward to seeing you in class this week. No classes next week.

With warmth and light,

William Geoffrey Dolde

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