Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reminder -- Festival this Friday / Tilth Saturday

Dear Families,

Please remember that our Autumn Festival for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, parents, grandparents, and friends takes place this Friday morning, September 25, from 9 to 10:30am around, in, and near the Butterfly Room at the Whidbey Island Waldorf School.

Here is an approximate schedule

9am Gather Outside -- butter making and play on the playground
9:15am Outdoor dance to the fiddle and continued butter making
9:20am Picnic of bread and butter and vegetable soup
9:40am Washing up and continued outdoor play
9:50am Puppet show inside the Butterfly Classroom
10am Walk to the teepee, during which we might find some pleasant surprises
10:20am Return to school, graceful departure with our harvest gifts

Elementary students will gather for recess shortly after our festival. While you need not rush, I recommend departing without too much delay.

For students/families unable to make Friday's festival, or interested in getting a sense of making more of a connection after our summer break, know that I will also be playing violin and fiddle at the Tilth Farmer's market from about 10am to 2pm on Saturday.

With Warmth and Light,

William Geoffrey Dolde

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