Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thank you for the Advent Spiral, looking ahead

Dear Families,

If you are new to our parent & child program or are inquiring about the program, please also visit the 2009 blog for our parent & child classes.  You are welcome to look back through this blog to find archives of articles.

Thank you for so many of you for attending our Advent Spiral Saturday morning. I have sent off the stars we gathered for our classmate who could not be there. Some of you have written very positive feedback about the event, which makes it likely I will organize a similar festival next December.

Be aware of the weather this week. You can check www.schoolreport.org and follow the headings to South Whidbey school district to see their school closure decisions. We follow their lead. I will also try to contact you if you do not have older children in the school. If your contact information has changed, please let me know.

If South Whidbey Schools are delayed an hour, we can still have our parent & child classes at 9am (an hour delay for the rest of our school).

For this week only as an experiment, if South Whidbey schools are delayed two hours, let's try having our Thursday class at 10 until noon. It is such a long break it seems a shame to cancel class as long as we can try being a little flexible. If South Whidbey schools are closed, we will cancel class and you will be credited for it.

On Friday, we have to begin and end class early so that parents and teacher can proceed to the Christmas Festival at the Whidbey Institute by 10:30am. Come as soon as you drop off your older children. Because we cannot have class late, we will have to cancel this Friday's class if South Whidbey Schools are delayed (though I would be glad to have you visit for an hour from 9 to 10, even if we don't have time for our full class).

The holiday season can bring joy. It can also bring stress.  I find this chapter from Mitten Strings for God helpful as I attempt to find the right endeavor and attempt what is doable and nourishing rather than becoming overwhelmed.

With warmth and light,

William Geoffrey Dolde

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