Sunday, September 25, 2011

Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, Parents, Grandparents, and Friends are invited to our Autumn Festival on Friday, September 30, from 10:30am to 11:30am.

As summer changes to fall, days shorten, and the frost and cold of winter approaches, we as humans need strength and courage to help us stand upright through the darkness of winter. Different cultures have received inspiration from the meteor showers (heavenly iron, shooting stars) they observed around late September; the iron from the stars of heaven gave people strength. In various cultures and religions, this comes forth as a tale of a hero--a knight like St. George or Archangel Michael conquering or taming a dragon. For Rudolf Steiner, this battle between a knight and a dragon goes on inside each one of us--the dragon is not some Other out there to be excluded, but, rather, that part of ourselves that we need to confront, acknowledge, and tame so we are ready to be free individuals capable of serving humanity and the world.

Explanations of a psychic battle inside each of us or battles with dragons can be too much for children birth to 4, who, rather, find seasonal inspiration as days shorten and nights lengthen by looking in wonderment toward the stars. An early childhood teacher could simplify the celebration of Michaelmas toward an examination of stars--singing "Twinkle Twinkle" and cutting open an apple to reveal the star come to earth on the inside.

On Friday the 30th parents and children will gather outside to play and share a snack. We will also have a harvest dance to tune of the fiddle. Then we'll go inside for a puppet show. After that, we will walk to the woods to meet (as a surprise for the children) a knight from the stars and Mother Earth--they will both present us with gifts. After the walk, children and parents will depart with their gifts.

Again, this festival is open to current nursery and parent & child children and to all families in our community with young children. Please contact us at 341-5686 or with any questions.

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Location:Young Child Autumn Festival

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Monday Conflict talk, Wednesday Office Hours, Thursday Discussion

Dear Nursery and Parent & Child Families (and friends),

Here are 3 events to keep in mind this week:

1) Monday, September 19, Vanessa Kohlhaas will speak about conflict resolution with young children in the Butterfly Room, 7 to 8:30pm. Visit for more information.

2) Beginning Wednesday, September 21, and repeating every other week (October 5 and October 19), I will hold office hours in my nursery for parents who prefer an in person conversation (children allowed if that makes it possible for you to attend). Each time there will be a 1:30pm and 2pm slot. Email, and I will reserve a spot for you.

3) On Thursday, September 22, I am holding a joint class meeting for nursery and parent & child families in the Butterfly Classroom from 6 to 7pm. All adults welcome. Please be aware, however, that this will be a discussion, not a lecture (as in past years). While I will follow the lead of the group, I will be prepared for the following:

A) To lead us in exercises and games to give a feeling for Waldorf early childhood education.

B) To preview books in the Kathrine Dickerson Memorial Library.

C) To follow up upon and discuss Vanessa's lecture on conflict amongst young children.

D) To suggest how I have adapted Kim Payne's social inclusion work into my early childhood teaching.

E) To talk about the all school Michaelmas celebration on Thursday, September 29, and the young child celebration at 10:30am on Friday, September 30.

At about 6:50pm, provided there is interest, I will then speak about specifics of this year's nursery class, what we are doing now, and where we are going (I will also provide this information in writing if members of our class cannot attend). If there is robust interest, I am glad to stay past 7pm to continue this conversation.

The frequency of adult evening events will not be so great in coming weeks.

With warmth and light,

William Geoffrey Dolde

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Below is a wonderful course for parents offered by my friend and colleague, Susanna Reynolds....highly recommended(!)

Dyanne (kindergarten teacher at the Whidbey Island Waldorf School)

Family Foundations:
A Course to Nurture Parents of Young Children

When parents consciously work on their own development and self-discovery, the lives of their children are affected in a positive way. This course draws upon a spiritual approach to parenting children from birth to seven to inspire balance, self-discovery, joy, hope, health and most of all: trust in oneself as a parent.

Monthly Saturdays, 9am-2pm, consist of the following classes:

Welcoming Warmth ~ From hand-play games to festival -- a variety of ways to play, move, sing and craft for, and with, children.

Developmental Dynamics with Susanna Reynolds
This course will be a supportive conversation and experiential workshop to develop skills and understanding in parents of the lively dynamics of the first seven years in a parent and child's life together. Subtle and practical resources will be given for parenting relating to both parents' and children's developmental needs.

Painting/Arts with Flora McEachern
Content in the Developmental Dynamics class will be experienced through the fluidity of color to strengthen the life forces through experiencing warmth, equilibrium, and deeper rhythmic breathing. From individual colors to dynamic composition, parents will have the opportunity to artistically explore painting in a healing environment.

Child Development/Life with Susanna Reynolds and guests including Holly Koteen, Johanna Steegmans, Mary Oak and Flora McEachern During this time we will explore the physiology of childhood in the first years of life, observed and described in many ways. We will be working from the basis of anthroposophy and the principles of Waldorf education. This time together also includes the opportunity for parents to share and ask their questions.

Orientation Session: Tuesday, October 11th, 6:30pm-8:30pm

8 Saturdays: Oct. 15 , Nov. 12, Dec. 10, Jan. 14, Feb. 11, March 10, April 21 and May 12.

Presented by Sound Circle Center. Held at Seattle Waldorf School, 2728 NE 100th St, Seattle

Course Fee: $620; $930 for couples
Register here
Faculty bios available here

For more information, contact Flora McEachern: or 206-501-6266

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Friday, September 2, 2011

2 Pot-lucks next week

Dear Families,

Friday, September 9, will have 2 pot-lucks to enable families with diverse work schedules to attend.  Plan to make a day of it, or drop by one or the other.  The goal is to provide an informal way for you to connect with me and other families.

I will be at Maxwelton Beach from 10am to 1pm and from 5pm to 7pm.


Maxwelton Pot-luck, September 9

Dear Friends of Our Parent & Child Classes,

You are invited to gather with current Butterfly Nursery Families and Rosebud and Dewdrop Parent & Child Families at Maxwelton Beach NEXT Friday, September 9, from 5 to 7pm for a pot-luck to start the year.

Our parent & child classes will commence on Friday, September 16.  You may obtain a registration form from or by visiting school--beginning Tuesday, our school will be open regular hours.

With warmth and light

William Dolde